Saturday, May 26, 2012

Post 4

I was reading this article about how they arrested the Pope's butler because he was stealing and leaking documents that were confidential and usually intended for higher authorities.  I'm not catholic so I don't know a lot about how the catholic hierarchy but I do know that if you cant trust a priests assistant to not leak important documents then who can we really trust?  I know working in a corporate retail environment we deal with media leaks all the time but I wouldn't think that a church would run into the same problems you would just think that it works with no hiccups.


Post 3

On Tuesday, the Space X dragon capsule docked at the international space station making it the first time that a private funded space shuttle has flown into outer space.  It will be interesting to find out how this is continued in the future ever since we were small we have been shown images of people living in outer space and it is very strange that it is actually coming true to a certain extent.  I remember watching the jetsons as a child and imagining living in space and driving a space mobile as your every day vehicle.

Post 2

Came across an article on CNN website talking about the murder of over 90 people and 34 children in Syria.  This has come as an cease fire in the country was called in March of 2011 between the national government and the local militias that are taking things into their own hands.  Since the conflict has started initially there has been over 11,000 deaths in the country.  What is really surprising is the fact that both sides say the other is responsible for the most deaths from what the article reads both blame the other for acts which result in the death of the country residents.  This war while may being very emotional for both sides seems as though no one who is actually making the decisions to kill others are being held accountable for any of the actions but the innocent continue to get punished for their decisions.


Entry 1

With today being memorial day I think that it is very important part of our culture to say thanks to all the military members and the family's of those individuals that went to war and didn't make it back.  The military is a very important part of our culture, as well as our history as a country and it is very important that we take a minute to thank all of them as well as self reflect on the damage that we have caused other families as well.  Our military is the best trained and operated in the world which is why everyone wants us to fight on their side, but it is always a important factor to set your allies based on their beliefs and customs as well.

Thanks to all the military families and members!